2021 Holiday Yarn - Day 22
Spoiler Alert!
If you don't wish to know about today's colourway from the 2021 Scream Your T!ts Off Holiday Yarn Kit, then look away now.

Colourway name
Norks From Ork - orange red with undertones of pink, purple, and orange
Song of the Day
Ok, so I really wanted to include something from the late 70s sitcom Mork & Mindy (remember them?), but I couldn't find anything that fits our bright and fun theme for the playlist. On expanding my search I remembered this song from indie/folk rock singer Newton Faulkner - "UFO"
(Oh, and watch out for the *insert anatomical part* probe in this song 🙉)
Alternative Song of the Day
Here I can include something from Mork & Mindy. The Barron Knights put together this humorous mix of sound clips and pop rock beat - I hope it makes you smile! 😄
Colour Progression